Administrator | Odsłony: 8648

Polish Astrological Society (PTA) was registered on 13th August 2009. PTA has got a legal entity status and operates under the provisions of the Act of 7th April 1989 concerning associations and statutes. The PTA’s seat is located in Warsaw. The activity of the society is mostly based on voluntary work of its members. 

The Society’s aims (in short):

1. recognizing and investigating coexistence of phenomena occurring on the Earth and in the Universe, as well as, the significance of these phenomena for a human life, and a course of all processes occurring on the Earth; especially, biological, social, and economic ones,
2. conducting an educational activity in a scope of popularizing knowledge about astrology among the society,
3. deepening knowledge and improving professional abilities of the Society’s members,
4. running a cultural activity connected with the astrology; and especially, research, protection, and documentation of astrological cultural heritage,
5. developing contacts and cooperation with organizations that are active in the European Union and all over the world,
6. protection of profession and ethos of an astrologer.
Every natural person, a resident of Poland or other country, or a legal person with a seat in Poland or abroad can become a member of the Society. The Society unites general, supporting, and honorary members. Every natural person who has submitted a declaration of membership in writing and who has paid an annual membership fee can become a general member of the Society. Every natural or legal person who offers financial, material or essential support in realizing the Society’s goals can become a supporting member of the Society.  Every natural person who is especially distinguished thanks to his/her activity conducted for the Society or with aims that have been a reason for the Society to be established, can become a honorary member. The supporting and honorary members are freed from duty of paying the membership fee.

The authorities of the society are: General Members Assembly, the Board, Auditing Committee, Arbitration by Fellow Members. A term of every elective authority of the Society lasts four years; and the election is made by a ballot with a simple majority of votes of members present in the meeting.
Founder members: Krystyna Adwentowska, Anna Frankowska-Czerniawska, Maria Graham, Laryssa Kobylińska†, Bogdan Franciszek Krusiński, Krystyna Lelińska, Andrzej Opejda, Światosław Nowicki, Piotr Piotrowski, Krzysztof Porzeżyński, Justyna Reiner†, Agnieszka Rolka-Piotrowska, Teodor Sulima, Alicja Szachewicz, Krzysztof Śliwiński, Swietłana Świder.

The Board of the Society:
President: Piotr Piotrowski
Vice-president: Ewa Herchel
Treasurer: Małgorzata Szwałkiewicz
Secretary: Piotr R. Tymko
Member: Mirosław A. Czylek

Auditing Committee:
Ewa Braszko
Ewa Rogińska
Izabela Kiełbowska

Arbitration by Fellow Members:
Bogdan Krusiński
Anna Tomczyk
Natalia Stala
Margot Graham
Ewa Zapolska

Kategoria: O PTA
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