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Polskie Towarzystwo Astrologiczne

(Polish Astrological Society)

invites you to



Understanding the Fixed Stars


Saturday-Sunday, 20th-21th April 2013, 10:00 am to 06:00 pm


The keynote of my natal teaching is ‘astrology without textbooks’. It is my belief that astrology cannot be seriously practised by constantly referring to books or by quoting snippets from books that have lodged in the memory – but only by truly owning the knowledge ourselves. To do this, it is necessary to build and base that knowledge on understanding of the basic principles. With the fixed stars, this means understanding their effects by understanding the myths that the constellations embody. As the charts I will be discussing demonstrate, it is remarkable how literally these myths are lived out in life.

In these lectures- I teach how to understand a myth by learning a method of thinking that not only illuminates our astrology, but also our engagement with art, literature and scripture. I will discuss the meaning of many of the major constellations and most important stars in detail; but the important thing is that once you know these simple principles, you will have the tools to work out the rest for yourself.

Working with the myths illustrated with chart examples, I will also discuss what Uranus, Neptune and Pluto really mean in a chart – which is something rather different from the usual assumptions.

Although the fixed stars are often regarded as an advanced technique, this mythological approach makes their use simplicity itself. So this workshop is accessible to anyone who is interested in precise astrology – and who enjoys a good story.


The lectures will be translated into Polish.


Place: Poland, Warszawa, ul. Zielna 39 (Zielna Street 39), building PASTA, 4th floor


Cost: 440 euros (including coffee, tea, cakes and lunch).

Booking: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.


Payment: transfer on bank account

Polskie Towarzystwo Astrologiczne,
ul. Meander 18/8
02-791 Warszawa, Poland

IBAN: PL36203000453110000000257290



Title donation: wplata na cele statutowe - szkolenie John Frawley

Name and address of the Bank:

Bank BGŻ
ul. Puławska 29
02-508 Warszawa




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